27 APRIL 1918, Page 12



have read with interest the letter of Mr. Arthur C. Dowding, with which I cordially agree. Surely, at the present time, when the tenant farmer is being urged to produce the utmost, it cannot be in the national interest for him to be sub- jected to a notice to quit his holding; and this would appear to apply in many cases, considering the thousands of acres which are now advertised for sale. It is to be presumed that the County War Agricultural Committees have now had full opportunity of determining whether the occupiers of the land are cultivating it to the best advantage, and if the Committee are satisfied that they are doing so, it would appear unwise that they should be disturbed at the present crisis. If the owners of property are desirous of salting, let it be subject to the tenants having security of tenure until such time as the war is over or until the authorities are satisfied that the food supply is assured.—I am, Sir, he.,