27 APRIL 1918, page 3

The Total Expenditure For The Current Year, Mr. Bonar Law

said, was estimated at £2,972,197,000. The Votes of Credit, covering the expenses of the war, were estimated at £2,550,000,000, as compared with the £2,403,000,000 actually......

Mr. Bonar Law Announced That The Normal Rate Of Income

Tax would be raised from five to six shillings in the pound on incomes of more than £500. The married taxpayer with an income not exceeding £800 would be allowed an abatement of......

The Spirit Duty, Mr. Bonar Law Went On To Say,

would be raised from 14s. 9d. to 30s. a gallon, increasing the revenue this year by £10,500,000, and £11,150,000 in a full year. The Beer Duty would be doubled, making it 50s. a......

The Revenue For The Past Year, Mr. Bonar Law Said,

had exceeded the estimates in every branch. He expected £638,600,000 ; he received £707,235,000. The Income Tax and Super Tax yielded /239,500,000—£15.500,000 above the......

Mr. Bonar Law Went On To Say That The Revenue

for 1918-19, on the existing basis of taxation, would yield £774,250,000, of which £200,000,000 would come from Excess Profits Duty. He proposed to raise £67,800,000 by new......

The Report Of The Conference On Second Chamber Reform Was

published in Thursday's papers, in the form of a letter from the Chairman, Lord Bryce, to the Prime Minister. Writing on Thursday, we have no time to form an opinion of the......

We Implore The Government, Before They Proceed In Their...

of combining Home Rule with Conscription to a point at which retreat will become impossible, to consider most anxiously the meaning of the grave fact that the Roman Catholic......

The Nation's Realizable Assets To Be Set Against The...

of Debt, Mr. Bonar Law estimated, might be valued at £1,172,000,000. This sum included £375,000,000 for commodities to be resold ; £17,000,000 for land, buildings, and ships ;......

Mr. Bonar Law Introduced The Budget On Monday, Dealing...

with the colossal figures to which all of us are now accustomed, though few can realize their meaning. The actual expenditure for 1917-18 was £2,696,221,000 ; the actual revenue......

In Disclosing His New Taxes, Mr. Bonar Law Urged That

taxation must not cripple industry and stop the flow of money into the War Loan, and that taxation must be just and fair. He would not increase the Excess Profits Duty because......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 51 .per Cent.

April 5,1917.......