27 APRIL 1918, Page 3

The Spirit Duty, Mr. Bonar Law went on to say,

would be raised from 14s. 9d. to 30s. a gallon, increasing the revenue this year by £10,500,000, and £11,150,000 in a full year. The Beer Duty would be doubled, making it 50s. a barrel, so as to yield £9,700,000 this year, and £15,700,000 in a full year. The Tobacco Duty would be increased from 6s. 5d. to 8s. 2d. a pound, and the price would be raised by twopence an ounce ; the duty would yield £7,500,000 more this year, and £8,000,000 in a full year. The Match Tax would be raised slightly so that the ordinary box of matches would cost a penny, instead of three-farthings, thus adding £600,000 to the revenue. The Sugar Tax would be raised by lls. 8d. a hundredweight, and the price would be 7d., instead of 51d., a pound, thus benefiting the State to the amount of £12,400,000 this year. Finally, Mr. Bonar Law proposed a tax on luxuries on the -French model, of twopence in the shilling, to be collected by a Stamp Duty. A Select Committee would prepare the schedules of luxuries. France hoped to raise £24,000,000 by a tax of this kind. Mr. Bonar Law would only say that he looked for " a very considerable addition " to the revenue.