[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Of Septimus mihi
Originum libel- est in manibus the fol- lowing eight renderings were given in one examination, according to Prebendary Moss, formerly Head-Master of Shrewsbury : (1) " Septimus, child of the Origines, is in my hands." (2) " Sep- timus Originum is a child in my hands." (3) " At Originum I have a freedman named Septimus." (4) " I have the care of the Septimus Originum family." (5) " This is my seventh book on the spirits of ancestors." (6) "I have a seventh son Origines in arms." (7) " Septimus without origins (that is, an orphan) is completely in my power." (8) " Septimus free of origins is with me in the shades."—I am, Sir, he., L. J. T. DAZWALL. Walton Vicarage, Warrington.