[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In " A Spectator's Notebook " of April lath, Janus, writes, " I am told that no payment is made [cc. by the B.B.C.] for religious talks at all . . . the actual fact is that a man may be paid for a talk on things material of every kind, but nothing for a talk on things spiritual." I am afraid you have been misinformed about the facts. All religious lectures, such as those given last year twice a month, are paid for : the " Missionary Travel Talks " now being given are paid for : biographical talks, such as those in the " Pillars of the English Church " series which is now running, are also paid for—all these fees are on a generous scale. Smaller fees are also paid for other religious items. It is true that the preachers at our Sunday evening studio services receive no fee for their sermons : but I may add that their full expenses are met, including those of obtaining a substitute to take the service and preach at their own chuiches, should this be necessary.— I am, Sir, &c.,
F. A. IREVIONGER, Religious Director. The British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, London, W. 1.