A Sound Undertaking' I Am Glad To Note That Sir
Frederick Gascoigne, the Chair- man of the Army and Navy Co-operative Society, Limited, fully maintains the good practice of his predecessors in taking shareholders into the......
* * * * Rolls-royce.
I referred last week to the excellent, character of the Annual Jteport of Rolls-Royce, Limited, and the •good, impression created by the Report was strengthened by the......
Imperial Chemicals.
It is impossible to read the speech of Sir Harry McGowan at the recent meeting of Imperial Chemical Industries—a summary of which appeared in our last issue—without being......
The Annual Meeting Of The Rio Tinto Copper Company Is
always awaited with interest by reason of the speech of Sir Auckland Geddes, and on this occasion particular interest was taken in Sir Auckland's views on the general situation......
Newspaper Profits.
The Report of Odhams Press, Limited for the past year shows a substantial increase in profits; the figure, inehasive of interest and Dividends from investments is £527,235......