The Report of Odhams Press, Limited for the past year shows a substantial increase in profits; the figure, inehasive of interest and Dividends from investments is £527,235 against £460,286 in the previous year. The net profit was £332,464 against £292,197. These figures do not include the loss on the Daily Herald, where excess of Expenditure over Revenue is charged to that Company's Development Expendi- ture and carried forward pending the completion of its devel- opment programme. The Balance Sheet shows that Inveit- ments in subsidiaries now stand at £892,353 against £483;525, while debts owing by subsidiaries stand at £1,049,831 against £971,278. The Directors again declare a Dividend on the Ordinary Shares of 15 per cent., while £44,965 is added to the General Reserve, raising it to £320,000, and £81,036 is carried forward as against £80,302 a year ago.