[To the Editor of Tim SPECTATOR.]
Sni,—The following paragraph in your last issue is of capital importance. You quote Sir Austen Chamberlain as saying :
against the aggressor there will be mobilized a force which is irresistible and which must deny to the aggressor the benefit he hoped to derive from his aggression " (p. 605). On which .you justly comment that " it is the grave doubt whether in fact an irresistible force would be mobilized against an aggressor ._ .. that makes France . . . seek protection in other directions, i.e., armaments." Now, Sir, that is the Whole issue in a nut-shell. The League has failed heCause each of its members know that it will not support Right against Wrong. R is a club to which every one is asked to belong without being compelled to keep the rules. Sixty-seven . nations of different creeds, colour and mental outlook have no
• essential unity to hold them together.—I am, Sir, &e.,
The Rectory, Devizes. _ T. Cuaugt.