Faith without charity
Sir: As a loyal member of the Church of England — Catholic and Reformed — I regret that Dr Oddie (`The trouble with Poping', 30 March) was not able to re- spond to his former bishop with equal charity. And I do not think that all his co-religionists would endorse the trium- phalism of his final sentence.
Pace Dr Oddie, I am proud to belong to a pilgrim church, a church which while treasuring the ark of the covenant in its midst is constantly on the move, carrying with it maybe a motley army of camp- followers, but with its ultimate objective always in view.
All honour to those whose conscience leads them to change their allegiance either way. But it is sad when they deni- grate the church of their nurture. It would have been more helpful if Dr Oddie had explained to us how, in the light of the encyclical Apostolicae Curae (which de- clared Anglican orders null and void), he now regards the ministry which he had exercised with distinction for so many years.
James Cobban
10 Coverdale Court, Preston Road, Yeovil, Somerset