27 APRIL 1991, page 44

Crossword 1006: 16d By Mass

A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word `Dictionary') for the first three correct solutions......

Solution To 1003: Elevens . 90 R 77 13ir 9e A

'b S ANDEjt'tLF IN U R R A N T L O A F S ] RIffit GIT7_ "kPIGONI E 1 7EAFOG E 1 7?, 0 D 7 FI SI H E Ai N E $,KE1T EU EIA R 1 a pri n 14 0 T ABA E 11 ri , 0 il R 0 P kinainn ME......

Ca Vas Re G4

12 YEAR OLD SCOTCH WHISKY COMPETITION esWAS REG .44 2 YEAR OLD SCOTCH WHISKY Spooner v Spooner Jaspistos I n Competition No. 1673 you were in- vited to imagine that Dr Spooner......

No. 1676: Two Into One

You are a reviewer who has been given 150 words in which to write about two books on wildly different subjects, at the same time being told by the editor to find as many......