NAVAL GAZETTE, ADMIRALTY, August 15.—Corps of Royal Marines—Brevet Major T.
Hurdle to be Lieut-Col. vice Fegan, retired on full-pay; Capt. T. P. Dwyer to be Lieut.-Col. vice Calamy, retired on full-pay; Capt. W. Clendon to be Lieut.-Col. vice Hearle, retired on full-pay; Capt. J. Land to be Lieut.-Col. vice M'Arthur, retired on full-pay ; First Lieut. J. Roberts to be Capt. vice Hurdle, promoted ; First Lieut. F. J. Rich- ards to be Capt. vice Dwyer, promoted ; First Lieut. H. H. Geoid to be Capt. vice Clendon, promoted; First Lieut. A. Butcher to be Capt. vice Land, promoted ; Se- cond Lieut. J. R. Brookes to be First Lieut. vice Roberts, promoted ; Second Lieut. J. E. W. Scott to be First Lieut. vice Richards, promoted ; Second Lieut. F. W. Thomas to be First Lieut. vice Goold, promoted ; Second Lieut. H. D. Nightingale to be First Lieut. vice Butcher, promoted.
ADMIRALTY, Aug. 18.—Corps of Royal Marines—First Lieut. P. Ilarris appointed Lieut. and Quartermaster, vice Butcher, promoted.