Parisian Tmisnuckr.s.
Though the season of London is summer and the season of Paris is winter, there are certain periods at which the two capitals, regarded as places of amusement, coincide with each......
The Smyth And Fletcher Forgeries.
25 Surrey Street, Strand, 18th August 1853. SIR—In the comments in your paper of last week upon the great Smyth case, allusion is made to the Bank frauds concocted and......
Education Of Children.
London, 17th August 1853. Sin—Lord Shaftesbury has solved the only practical difficulty in the ex- tirpation of thieves,—catchingthem in their nests before they are full-grown,......
Irtters To T1 Nitur. Army Costume.
16th August 1853. Sra—There is a great probability, nay certainty, I may say, of a reform in the costume worn by the Army. One of the most desired changes is a new head-dress.......