27 AUGUST 1853, Page 7


On-the 15th August, at Radnage Rectory, Bucks, the Wife of the Rev. George Piiillimore, of a son.

On the'l6th, at Knowimere Manor, Yorkshire, the Wife of Jonathan Peel, Esq., of a daughter.

On the 18th, in Lower Seymour Street, Portman Square, the Wife of Lieutenant- Colonel Birch Reynarvlson, Grenadier Guards, of a daughter. On the 20th, at Hilton Park, the seat of Lieutenant-General Vernon, C.B., Mrs. George Vernon, of a daughter. Olathe 21st, at Richmond H111, the Wife of Arthur J. Otway, Esq., M.P., pre- maturely of a daughter, stillborn.

On the 22d, at Tythegston Court, Glamorganshire, the Wife of the Rev. William Somerset, of a son.

On the 22d, at Cobham Hall; the Countess of Darnley, of a.daughter.


On the 9th June, at St. John's Church', Calcutta, Captain William Tufton Money, Thirtieth Madras Native Infantry, third son of Rear-Admiral 'Money, C.B., to Isa- bella Frances, eldest daughter of the late Captain G. II: Thomas, formerly of the Seventh Madras Light Cavalry. On the 29th, at St. Paul's Cathedral, Calcutta, Jervolse John Grey, Esq., C.S., se- cond son of the Right Hon. Sir Charles Edward Grey, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Henry Holroyd, Esq., barrister-at-law.

On the 15th August, at Florence, in the Episcopal Palace, the Marquis of Ricci Pamecine, of Rome, and Montepulcino, in Tuscany, to Rosalie Eustace, only daugh- ter of the late Lieutenant-General Henry Eustace. On the 16th, at the Church of St. Thomas d'Aquin, Paris, the Baron Amebic de Montaignac De Chauvance, son of the Vicomte de Montaigne De Chauvance, to Mary, daughter of Owen Davies, Esq., formerly of Chilwell Hall, Notts, and subse- quently of Eton House, Kent.

On the 18th, at Monkstown Church, Captain Alexander Murray, Eighty-seventh Royal Irish Fusiliers, second eon of the' Right Hon. Lord Cringletie,;to Eugenia Grace, eldest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Curtis, C.B., Innismore.

On the 18th, at Thoreeby Park, Notts, Charles Welkin Williams Wynn, Esq., only son of the late Right Hon. C. W. W. Wynn, M.P., to the Lady Annom Charlotte Ilerrepont, youngest daughter of Earl Mousers.

On the 23d, at Rothley Church, Archibald Smith, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, barrieter- at-law, to Susan Emma, youngest daughter of the late Vice-Chancellor Sir James Parker, of Rothley Temple, Leicestershire. On the 23d, at Rydal Chapel, John Wakefield Cropper, Esq., second son of John 'Cropper, Esq., Dingle Bank, Liverpool, to Susanna Elizabeth Lydia, third daughter of the late Dr. Arnold, of Rugby.

On the 23d, at Harborne Church, Staffordshire, the Rev. John Middleton Ware, B.C.L., eldest son of the Rev. George Ware, M.A., Vicar of Winsham, Somerset- Shire, and Rector of Ashton, Devonshire, to Mary Anne, only child of the Rev. Jbhn Garhett, M.A., Vicar of Harborne; Honorary Canon of Worcester, and Examining Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Manchester.

On the 25th, at St. James's, Paddington, Charles James Monk, Esq., only son of the Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, to Julia, only daughter of Pantie Ralli, Esq., Greek Consul-General.


On the 28th March, at North Adelaide, Mrs, Margaret Gorton, relict of the late Jelin Gorton, Esq. ; in her 73d year.

On the-16th April, while fording the river near Nelson, New Zealand,the Hon. Constantine A. Dillon, fourth son of the late Viscount Dillon; in his 39th year. On the 5th June, at Cawnpore, Colonel Walter-Alexander Yates, C.B., late Briga- dfer:commanding at Lucknow. On the 12th August, suddenly, at Bagneres-de-Luchon, in the Pyrenees, in con- sequence of a fall from his horse, Captain John Henry Tongs, late of the Sixteenth Lancers, third son of the late William Tonge, Esq., of Alveston, Gloucestershire; in his 35th year.

On the 14th, at Wimbledon. Mr. James Paxton, brother of Sir Joseph Paxton, and many years confidential servant to his Grace the Duke of Somerset, at Wimbledon Park, Surrey ; in his 62.1 year. "

On the 16th, in the Wandsworth Road, Mr. Thomas Barber, late of Stamford, Lincolnshire ; in his 95th year. On the 17th, at Folkestone, Elizabeth,' relict of the late Vice-Admiral Sir John Harvey, K.C.B. ; in her 76th year. On the 17th, at Eythorne, near Sandwich, of a gunshot wound, accidentally re- ceived from a youth his companion, Greases, youngest son of Mr. Greases Walker, of Hamilton Place, New Road; in his 7th year.

On the 18th, at Auchinroath, near Rothes, N. B., Lieutenant-General Lord Sal- tour, K.T., and Colonel of H. M. Second Regiment ; in his 69th year. Oaths 19th, at .11orate.Lodges the seat of Colonel C. Wyndham, Harriet Dowager Lady Polwarth, daughter of Count Bruhl and Alicia Maria Countess of Egremont:, in her 81st year.

On the 19th, in Carlton Road, Maids Vale, Colquhoun Smith, Esq., late of MIX- Cayes, Hayti.

On the 19th, at Plymouth, Captain John Jordan Arrow, R.N. ; in his 66th year.' On the 19th, at Leamington Spa, the Right Hon. Sir George Cockburn, Dart., of Langton, G.C.B., Admiral of the Fleet, Major-General of Marines, and Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom ; in his 82d year. On the 20th, at Sydenham, Susan, widow of the late George Chilton, Esq., one of the Masters of her Majesty's Court of Exchequer ; in her 93d year.

On the 20th, at Hewshot Hill, near Liphook, Hants, the lion. A. B. Tumour, Commander R.N.; in his 66th year. On the 22d, the Right Hon. Edward Vernon, Lord Suffield ; in his 40th year. On the 22d, at Ashton, near Stamford, Ann, relict of Mr. Ogden ; in her 94th year. On the 24th, at 22, Skinner Street, deeply lamented, Marta, the beloved wife of Mr. I. O. Hutton. and youngest daughter of Mr. J. Ruffy, of Fox Lodge, North Brixton ; in her 22d year.

Lately, in Euston Square, Mrs. Ann Robson ; in her 90th year.