The Dungarvan election has probably terminated in the reeleotion of
Mr. Francis Maguire. At two o'clock on Thursday the poll stood thus- Maguire 171 ; Gregory 77. Another report makes Mr. Maguire's majority- a score fewer.
The electors of Norwich entertained their Members, Mr. Pete and Mr. Warner, at a public dinner in St. Andrew's Hall, on Thursday. The speaking was chiefly retrospective, with some allusions to the Reform Bill of next session. Mr. Peto said they must not be angry if the bill be not all that is desirable, as it would be useless for Ministers to bring in a bill that could only throw them out of office.
Lord and Lady Palmerston being on a visit to their estates at Mel- bourne, the Corporation of Derby seized tho opportunity to invite Ma Home Secretary to a public dinner at Derby ; but as he had come down "entirely for local purposes," he declined the invitation, with "warm ac- knowledgments for this gratifying proof of opinion and good-will." To, day Lord Palmerston was to lay the foundation-stone of a building at Melbourne, intended to comprise accommodation for an Athenaeum, a Savings-Bank, and a National School.
It is expected that the vacant Order of the Thistle will be conferred either upon the Duke of Hamilton or the Duke of Argyll.-Hornitie aroniele.
According to the Liverpool Mercury, the Liberal Conservatives of that town are about to give a grand banquet in honour of the Chancellor of,the Exchequer and Mr. Cardwell.