The Newcastle contest, which was a very severe one, ended
in the return of Mr. Morley by a majority of 1,739. For Mr. Morley there voted 12,983 electors, more by 2,078 than a month ago, many probably of his former antagonists returning to his support when it became a question of his final severance from the constituency. For Mr. Ralli,—who no doubt lost almost as much as he gained by his rather tardy con- cessions to the Labour Party,—there voted 11,244 voters, or a considerably larger number than the 10,905 who gave their votes to Mr. Morley a month ago. We regret the evidence of vacillation on the subject of the Union which Newcastle gives us, in sending up two Members who will neutralise each other's vote ; but we are not sorry that Mr. Morley is spared the
trouble of another contest, and that he can now give up his whole time to the more perfect elaboration of that unfortunate Irish policy, which, before very long, we are quite sere that we shall be able to checkmate.