The Newcastle Contest, Which Was A Very Severe One, Ended
in the return of Mr. Morley by a majority of 1,739. For Mr. Morley there voted 12,983 electors, more by 2,078 than a month ago, many probably of his former antagonists returning......
The Ex-king Of Servia, In The Course Of An Interview
with the Times correspondent at Lucerne, published on Wednesday, disclaimed any notion on his part of interfering with the politics of Servia. His abdication was a real one, and......
Mr. Champion Sent A Most Remarkable Letter To Wednesday's...
on "An Independent Labour Party," in which he ex- pressed quite frankly his distrust of the Irish Home-rulers, especially on the ground of the unwillingness of the Irish Party......
The Only Other Alinistenwho Has Had To Fiz,ht For His
seat is Sir William Harcourt ; but not against the Unionist Party, who expressed their regret that he should be exposed to the trouble of a contest. The strange politician who......
The Legislative Council Of New Zealand, It Was Announced On
Thursday, have rejected the Eight-Hours Bill passed by the Lower House. The Bill declares that in any contract for hiring, "a day's work" shall mean a day of eight hours, and a......
Mr. Dillon, In His Speech At The Dublin Meeting Of
the Irish National Federation on Wednesday, gave us all to understand that Mr. Gladstone had privately agreed to terms which will completely satisfy Ireland, but which we should......
Mr. Labouchere Has Published In Truth The Account Of An
interview which he had with "an emissary" from 1 Canton Gardens on August 15th. The " emissary " tried to persuade him to write a letter to Mr. Gladstone saying that he had......
M. De Blowitz, Telegraphing From Paris On Tuesday, States...
"by way of reprisals against M. de Mun and M. de Breteuil for accepting the Republic, M. de Cassagnac alleges that in 1889 they formed with him part of a committee of six which......