GENEVA—AND AFTER [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Your article
entitled " Geneva—and After " in the Spectator of August 18th contains much thought-provoking material for all who have been following the disappointing discussion at the Naval Limitation Conference. There is only one criticism which I feel inclined to make, and that in justice to Mr. Gibson. While giving him credit for being a " com- petent young diplomatist," you state that "he was evidently on unfamiliar ground." It should be remembered that he has been intimately connected with the work of the League of Nations towards an all-round and progressive limitation and reduction of armaments since 1922. He represents the U.S.A. upon the League's Preparatory Commission for the World Disarmament Conference. Whether his hands were tied during the recent Conference by rigid instructions from Washington is a different matter.—I am, Sir, &e., 31 Union Square, Islington, N.1. LESLIE R. ALnors.