THE MOST SUITABLE POLICY.—II. LAST week I had something to say about whole-life policies under which the sum is paid at death, whenever it happens, and the payment of premiums......
Last Week I Made Some Comments Upon A Booklet On
Russia, representing the observations at 'close quarters of the situation in Moscow by an American citizen, Mr. Ivy Lee. Those who know Mr. Lee will be convinced both of his......
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A HANDY INCOME TAX CHART. For those_ who wish to obtain at a glance the effect of vaciotts revisions of - Income Tax arrangements, I can very confidently recommend the twelfth......
Financial Notes
IRREGULAR MARKETS. IN a separate article I deal with the great advance which has taken place in certain shares in the Industrial group, and, for the most part, activity in the......
United States' Attitude.
It is not very surprising, therefore, to find that in reply to a lengthy letter from Mr. Ivy Lee to the President of the United States Chamber of Commerce, Washington,......
Artificial Silk Prosperity.
For the moment, at all events, almost every business con- cerned with artificial silk appears to be prospering and, as noted elsewhere, leading issues like Cotfrtaulds continue......
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A PROSPEROUS UNDERTAKING. There seems to be no slackening in the rate of progress achieved by the Union Cold Storage Company, and for the past year the gross profits show an......