General Knowledge Questions
Tars week the Editor awards the prize of one guinea, which is offered weekly for the best thirteen general knowledge questions, with answers, to Mrs. Mackenzie's paper. Hundreds of entries are received weekly for this competition ; we must therefore remind competitors that their entries cannot be returned if found unsuitable.
Natural History Questions
1. Into what insect does a leather-jacket turn ? 2. What animals drink when they are not thirsty ?
3. What is a kelt ?
4. (a) " A row of swifts perched on the telegraph wires." (b) " A row of swallows perched on the telegraph wires." Which of the above is correct, and why ?
5. How many toes has an oyster-catcher ?
6: What colour is the head of a black-headed gull : (a) in winter ; (b) in summer ?
7. How many toes has a frog on each foot ? 8. What is a squab?
9. Can ants fly, and if so, when ?
10. What is a hummel ? - 11. Give the female of a red deer, roe deer, fallow deer, black- cock, woodcock.
12. What is a squirrel's nest called ?
13. What is the main difference at birth between a leveret and a young rabbit ?
Answers will be found on page 324,