BUILDING SOCIETIES YEAR BOOK, 1927. Compiled and Edited by George
E. Franey, O.B.E. (Reed and Co. 3s. 6d.)—The great building society movement is over a cen- tury old, and is still growing rapidly, but until recently it has had no literature. The omission is now being made goad. We noticed the other day Mr. Harold Bellman's short history of building societies. We now have to record and commend the publication of the first Year Book of the National Associa- tion of Building Societies, which number 308, and have total resources amounting to nearly £200,000,000. The book, which is well edited by Mr. Franey, contains a great deal of interesting information about the work of the societies and about the men who direct them. There are many people, strange as it may seem, who know nothing about building societies, but who would be glad to become members of such societies if they realized that in this way they could buy homes for themselves on easy terms. To these people, in particular, the Year Book should bring enlightenment.