A hundred years ago
From the 'Spectator, 26 December 1868—Admiral George Grey is a brave man. He has ventured to publish a letter in the Times advocating a cession of Gibraltar to the Spaniards, they offering Ceuta in exchange. Gibraltar, he says, is of no use in time of war either for coaling,' refitting, or refuge, the only safe anchorage being commanded from innumerable points, while in time of peace it would be as useful in Spanish hands as it is now. Ceuta, on the other hand, might be made a -**14._uable harbour, and, moreover, could be attacked only by sea, a great point in its favour. The great temptation of gazge..tp.jein the enemies of Great Britain in any war would thea be re- moved, and a grand act of justice done to an advancing people. Admiral Grey forgets to answer one argument, which will, we suspect, weigh with Mr. Gladstone. As surely as we get Ceuta, so surely will a great Moorish territory accrete to us, till our frontier runs side by side with that of French Algeria.