A Bishop and Two Others
SIR,—It seems to me unfortunate that Janus should so often disfigure his interesting and lively columns with brash and impulsive utterances. Many of us no doubt held widely different views of the Bishop of Birmingham, but we must surely admire his courage. It was a pity that Janus should have written in such a presumptuous, opinionated and patronising manner about the retirement of Dr. Barnes.
For an assessment of the celebrated The Rise of Christianity I would advise anyone interested to consult the short article by the Rev. Professor S. G. F. Branden, M.A., D.D., The Logic of New Testament Criticism (p. 144. vol. 47 of the Hibbert Journal). The author, although not uncritical, disposes of the ignorant assumption that Dr. Barnes's book has not much of great value to say. He also. unless I am much mistaken, as a scholar and theologian is entitled to be listened to with respect in these matters—unlike Janus who hides under the veil of his anonymity.—Yours faithfully, GEOFFREY G. SHERRIFF. 1 Vicarage Gate, W.8.