Sul,—the Bishop Of Bristol In His Timely Article Asserts...
the com- munication and interpretation of the Christian faith in terms which speak to the conditions of industrial and professional life must in large measure he the work of men......
A Bishop And Two Others
SIR,—It seems to me unfortunate that Janus should so often disfigure his interesting and lively columns with brash and impulsive utterances. Many of us no doubt held widely......
Who Are The Laity ?
SIR,—The Bishop of Bristol's article on the laity in the Church would have been more helpful if he had defined who constituted the laity. Is he thinking of those who make at......
Identification And Arrest
Sut,—Janus has rendered a public service by calling attention to the unlawful practice of the police in charging persons with crimes after they have been identified. As the law......
An Irish Incident
SIR,-1 have only just seen Mr. Inglis' article on Ireland in your issue of February 13th. I do not think he has given a very good account of the "incident " at the.......
Sir,—the Baroque Brigade Are Entitled To Their Preference...
chord and clavichord for Bach; they are not entitled to tell the rest of us that Bach's keyboard music "cannot be played on the piano." Over-sentimentalised ; rhythmically......
Sir,—you Are Right That In The Bishop Of Birmingham's Book.
The Rise of Christianity, " there was really not much to disturb the orthodox unduly," but it is both incorrect and unfair to say he had " some defect of temper which caused him......
Central African._ Federation
Sift,—The Ifeport covering the White Paper (Cmd. 8753) makes this categorical statement: " If this Scheme should be rejected, the United Kingdom Government would see no prospect......