Central African._ Federation
Sift,—The Ifeport covering the White Paper (Cmd. 8753) makes this categorical statement: " If this Scheme should be rejected, the United Kingdom Government would see no prospect of re-opening the subject within any foreseeable period of time." Is your correspondent " Elector," who contributes to your columns on the 20th February, prepared to face the future if Federation is rejected ? Does he realise that the extremists of both parties will intensify their campaigns, so that the issue will become one of White domination or Black domination ? Is he prepared to see Southern Rhodesia turning for economic support to the. Union of South Africa, and taking with her two millions of Africans ? Will he deny to the three Territories that economic progress which, it is agreed on all hands, will follow upon Federation, accompanied by the development of the vast natural resources and the expansion of trade on the one hand, and more rapid advancement and the social services for the Africans on the other ? Federation means progress; postponement means stagnation.— Yours faithfully, E. H. LANE POOLE. Assistant Secretary, United Central Africa Association. 17 Old Bond Street, W.I.