27 JANUARY 1838, Page 10

Mr. Robert Dillon Browne, the Member, and Mr. James A.

Browne, of Browne Hall, in Mayo, fought a duel, on Wednesday, near Chester ; when the former gentleman was wounded, but not den. gerously, in the thigh, through which his antagonist's ball passed. The quarrel arose out of the last Mayo election.

A correspondence has appeared in the newspapers. relative to a " misunderstanding" which took place some years ago between Sir James Graham and Mr. O'Gorman Mahon. Mr. O'Connell stated at the late dinner to the Members for Dublin, that Sir .Tames had made a " base and truckling apology." Lord Spencer, who was Sir James's " friend " on that occasion, has written to Lord Charlemont, declaring that Sir James did nothing inconsistent with the character of a man of honour.'

One remarkable circumstance attending the Peerage is that nearly all the eldest sons of Whig Noblemen are Conservatives. We may mention, among many others, the Earl of Darlington, heir to the Dukedom of Cleveland ; the Earl of Wilton, heir to the Marquisate of Westminster ; and the Marquis of lllandford, heir to the Dukedom of Marlborough. —Post. [ The Marquis of Westminster's eldest son is Earl Grosvenor ; Lord Wilton is the second son—he succeeded to the Earldom of his maternal grandfather.] Directions have been issued from the General Post-office, directing the whole of the letters passing through all the post-offices in the kingdom to be counted for one week.