27 JANUARY 1838, page 2

Count Mole Has Again Made Overtures To The Liberal Opposi-

tion. On the question of Spanish interference, lie allied himself with the Doctrinaires, and triumphed over THIERS and BARROT by a large majority. It is said that he became......

At The Meeting Of The House Of Commons On Monday,

a number ), of petitions were presented, by Mr. LEADER, Mr. HARVEY, Sir S. WHALLEY, and Mr. HUME, against the coercion of Canada. The Edin- burgh petition was presented by Mr.......

The Report Of The King Of Prussia's Death Is Contradicted

; he is said to be very ill. The Emperor and Empress of Russia are expected to visit Berlin in the spring.......

Sir John Colborne's Attack Upon The Insurgent Positions At

nd Brute was completely successful. The number of the ilist army is not stated, but in his despatch Sir JOHN calls it the 4 ' disposable force under my command ;'' so that he......

The News From Spain Continues To Be Unimportant.


Ne Ws Of The Week.

THE Canada Coercion Bill has been the solitary topic of debate in the House of Commons this week. Ample opportunity has been afforded to the authors and supporters of the......

There Has Been Violent Altercation In The House Of...

tives at Washington, on the subject of slavery. Mr. SLADE, of Vermont, presented a petition, on the 20th of December, for the abolition of the slave-trade and slavery in the......