The great plenty of money, in conjunction with the favourable intelligence received from Canada, has caused a rise of 4 per cent. in Console. The price of these Securities, when the accounts arrived, was 91i: the quotation speedily reached 92; and after remaining stationary for the last two days, has in the course of this morning advanced l per cent., viz. to 92i. The rise 4.e nearly been to the extent of the dividend ; as on the 16th, the day on which the books opened for transfer, the price was 92,l 6 with the dividend, or 90,3 91 ex divi- dend ; and our present price gives a rise of l 1, or: nearly the amount of divi- dend recently paid, viz. 1 per cent. Reduced and New Three-and-a-Half per Cents., or what in the technicality of the market are called the Heavy Stocks, have advanced in the same degree as Consuls; and so continual are the invest- mean is all descriptions of funds, that unless some unforeseen circumstances arise, there can be little doubt but that the prices will improve still further. Roney is very abundant, and is easily obtainable upon good commercial bills at a discount of 2% per cent. The premium upon Exchequer Bills and India Bonds has advanced considerably ; the former having been done to-day at 66, and the latter at 56. India Stock is 264%, and Bank Stock 206%; both quo- tations being improvements upon recent prices.
In the Foreign Market, the Northern European Stocks are all in demand ; Dutch Two-and-a-Half per Cents being at 53%, which is an advance of % per cent. upon our last prices. The Dutch Five per Cents., Belgian. and Danish Bonds, have all advanced in nearly similar proportion. Russian Five per Cents, remain at 111%, 112; no advance having taken place in them since our
Spanish Stock continued depressed. at 19 19%, till yeeterday ; when some purchaser, said to have been made on the account of Fiench speculators, Caused an improvement to 193: the price, however, declined this morning, to
again filmed by similar purchases to 191 ; and has fallen back % per cent. in the course of the afternoon. These purchases are said to be made in antici- pation of the subsidy to he granted by the French Government to Spain. Portuguese Bonds have been very low • the Five per Cents having hi en at 27%, and the Three per Cents. at 174 ; :hey have however both improved more than 1 per cent to-day,—a rumour being current that the Lisbon Government are in treaty with our ,Ministry for the sale of the Azores or Western Islands.
The South American Scum ties are without material alteration. Brazilian Bonds ate, however, about 1 per cent. higher ; intelligence having been re- ceived from Pernambuco to the 7th December, when all was quiet, and nothing was known of the recent events at Bahia.
The Railway Shares have all improved in price ; but the business transacted has been chiefly confined to the smaller varieties, viz. Brighton and Blackwell. The former have fluctuated between 6% and 8. ; having reached the latter price, the highest recent quotation this morning, a depression occuried to 6, and they may now be quoted at 8%. The latter have been in steady demand, and are now at 1% and la prem. per share. Our maikets are still governed by those of Liverpool and filanchester ; and the recent rise has been almost entirely caused by purchases made on account of these places.
The intelligence from Canada brought by the Sidrions from New York on the 2d instant, which contains a rumour of Sir FRA No15 Henn baviug sus- tained a defeat at Navy Island on the 26th ultimo, has produced a declin in Commie; and the price, which was yesterday 92% 4, has, been at 911, and is now 911 92. Spanish Stock is quoted nominally lower, viz. 19% %; a decline having occurred in Paris on Thursday of % per cent. produced by reports of an Exalted() movement in Valencia. Portuguese Stock is also nominally lower. The Furopran Continental Stocks maintain their prices- Ilumian Bonds having hero done at 112%. Brazilian and the South American Bonds are also the Pante. Railway Shares are nearly as yesterday—London and Birmingham. 72 74 prem. ; Manchester and ditto, 2 2% prem. ; South- ampton Old, 10 dis. ; New, 15% 16% prem. ; Great Western, 16% 17% prem. ; Brighton, 74 8; Blackwell, 3% 44 per Share.
3 per Cent. Consuls
9 92 Brazilian 5 per Cents
Ditto for Account 911 92 Danish
7734 7732s1
3 per Cent. Reduced 921 t Dutch 91 per Cents 521 31 New 31 per Cent. Anna 100 4
Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts.
98 2es Dank Stork 8013 1 Ditto 3 per Cent. 18 181 IndiaStock 2631 41 It ussiau ( l:".12)5 per Cent ..1 1 It 121 Ditto Hoods 55 57 pm. Spanish (1835) 3 per Ceut... 191 Beekeeper Eats 6U 62 pro. Deferred Seoek 71 I Belgian 5 per Cents 109 Passive Ditto 41