The French Budget Committee for the year is composed almost
entirely of Members of the Left, and includes no less than twenty selected by the Ultras. It is considered certain that M. Gambetta will be re-elected President. The effect of this selec- tion is to strengthen the hands of the Liberal section of the Ministry, and it is believed that the Duo Decazes will in conse- quence quit it. According to an account which looks probable, though it requires further authentication, M. Jules Simon, as Premier, insisted on being informed of all negotiations going on, and the Foreign Minister considered such a demand unreason- able. The Marshal, however, supported his first adviser, and the Due Decazes threatens to retire. In that event, M. Jules Simon, retaining the Vice-Presidency of the Council, will take the port- folio of Foreign affairs, leaving that of the Interior to M. Bardon.x.