Professor A. H. Sayce Has Published (james Parker And Co.)
the very able lecture which he delivered when entering on his duties at Oxford as the deputy of Professor Max Mallen It is noteworthy, as showing of bow much service Mr. Sayoe's......
A Course Of Painting In Neutral Tint. By R. P.
Leitch. (Cassell, Petter, and Galpin.)—We believe it is the usual practice in schools for the pupil to go direct to water-colour painting, after a course of sepia, taken in......
Reason And Revelation. By W. Horne, M.a. (henry S. King
and Co.)—This elaborate work is an expansion of a prize-essay. The adjudi- cators must have found it somewhat hard reading, though as Scotchmen they were no doubt thoroughly......
We May Add That The English Dialect Society Is The
cheapest of all the publishing societies, giving, as a rule, four volumes yearly for a sub- scription of half-a-guinea ; and that its honorary secretary is Mr. J. H Nodal, of......
Elbow-room ; A Novel Without A Plot. By Max Adeler.
Illustrated by Arthur B. Frost. (Ward, Lock, and Tyler.)—This is a book with some good fun in it. Take, for instance, the way in which the author works out the old joke, rather......
Notes On Building Construction, Part U. (rivingtons),...
prepared to meet the requirements of students preparing for the examinations of the Science and Art Departments. The syllabus of subjects has been accordingly taken to foina the......
Voices Of Nature; Or, Lessons From Science....
no reason why the facts of science should not be used "to point a moral or adorn a tale," provided they are not squeezed to distortion in the endeavour to extract all the juice......
Studies Of The Divine Master. By Thomas Griffith, A.m.,...
of St. Paul's. (Henry S. King and Co.)—Mr. Griffith is careful to dis- claim any attempt at writing a "life" of Jesus, yet though he himself calla these studies "fragmentary,"......