A Course of Painting in Neutral Tint. By R. P.
Leitch. (Cassell, Petter, and Galpin.)—We believe it is the usual practice in schools for the pupil to go direct to water-colour painting, after a course of sepia, taken in order to learn the manipulation of the brush and the mystery of washes and lights. This book is intended as an intermediate between the two courses, and includes the greys of the sky, besides the sepia-tint. We think the plan a wise one, as the student gives his attention more particularly to the skies and general tone of the picture, and the passage to water-colour is thereby rendered more gradual. The examples are graduated, and some of the more advanced are very effective and pretty sketches. There is also a preface, containing all the instructions requisite for mixing the colours, and each plate is provided with directions.