27 JANUARY 1912, Page 32


[To TUE EDITOR OP TilS "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Probably your critic is slightly doaf. At any rate I feel bound, in justice to Mr. Martin Harvey and his fellow- actors, to state that I and three others sitting in the balcony stalls on Tuesday, the 16th, heard nearly every one of Mr. Martin Harvey's words, and heard, too, the words of all the other actors with the exception of the chorus, who sometimes did not say their words quite together. It did not seem to me that any of the actors, the messenger excepted, sufficiently delivered their speeches as though they were written in verse, but that is another matter. Certainly they were, as a rule, distinctly audible by me, by my friends, and, as far as I could judge, by all sitting near, who were listening with rapt atten- tion, almost uninterrupted by a whisper, during the whole