Louisiana And Alaska: German Expansion.
rTo TRH EDITOR OF TRH " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Professor Caldecott endeavours to produce historical precedent for his strange proposal that we should hand over Western Australia to......
The Naval War Staff.
Ivo TWA EDITOR OF TRIO " EDROTATOR."1 BIR,—The institution of a War Staff is a step of such import to the Navy that I hope you will permit me to make a few comments on the......
Chinese People's Uprising: Its Spirit. [to Van Editor Op Trh
" Splarvroa."] Sin,—Whilst telegrams record startling new phases in China from day to day, and anxious ladies consider them from what they fancy the British workman's position,......
The New Papal Decree.
[To ran EDITOR OF TIIR "EIPRCTATOR."1 SIR,—It will, I think, be agreed that Dr. O'Donnell, the Bishop of Raphoe, speaks with more authority on matters of canon law than Mr.......