Encouraging Poetry
Sut,—I have just seen Mr. Day Lewis's excellent article The Encourage- ment of Poetry in the Spectator of January 6th. Many of his suggestions seem very good, but the one that interests me most is that of a Poetry Book Society. I think this idea should appeal to a large number of people, and, if enough is said about it, perhaps such a society might be formed.
1. cannot afford to buy many books, and it is difficult to know if a given volume of new poetry is going to be.really worth having without first buying it; so that I tend to buy only poetry of which I already know something. A Poetry Book Society, on the lines of the various book Societies that exist today, wculd be a great boon to people like me, as we could be sure of getting, at a reasonable price, a fair selection of the best poetry being published. Cannot something be done about it?— 'ours faithfully, HELENA BROUN. 3 Magdala Crescent, Edinburgh, 12.