S1r,—those Who Maintain That The Paramount Objective At...
is to ensure that the Labour (Socialist) Party is not returned to power would, if they were wise, ponder much more carefully than they do the probable influence on the......
Liberals' Prospects
SIR,—I am not a regular reader of the Spectator. Recently the advertise- ment for the Spectator in the Manchester Guardian caught my eye. I read there that the Spectator would......
Letters To The Editor
Intercommunion Sift,—Your correspondent, Mr. John A. Patten, seems to be unaware that a resolution was passed in the Upper House of the Convocation of Canterbury in January,......
Sul,—no Christian Can Read Mr. Patten's Letter Without...
for his dilemma. It is a delicate matter upon which we should proceed with the greatest of caution. There is, however, one important aspect of it his letter does not mention.......
Sir,—mr. Patten's Cri De Coeur In The Spectator Of January
20th moves me to express my deepest sympathy with his feelings. As everyone knows, the barrier to open- Communion lies in the Supposed prohi- bition in the rubric at the end of......