For and against
Sir: Many congratulations to your contributors Auberon Waugh and Kenneth Hurren who, week after week, delight readers of more sober artistic judgement than the Booker Prize panel or the management of the Royal Court with their wit and judicious use of caustic. They cause me many a chuckle. By comparison your pompous, hyperbolical and utterly boring opposition to our Common Market entry, repeated incessantly in statements of the utmost flatulence and prejudice, makes depressing reading. Unless you spend all day in bed writing your poisonous articles and eating South African oranges, you must surely be aware, sir, that not only a majority of MPs but also a large section of the British public support our entry to the Community in the spirit of long-term benefit for all, which has acted as that body's most worthy motivation since its inception. OK, so you don't like the EEC. I think your readers have got that point. But since we have now been voted in by democratic parliamentary procedures, let's see if we can make it work, shall we?
Philip Allan 32 Merrion Avenue, Stanmore, Middlesex