Letters To The Editor
In the Westminster Sir: Mr MacMahon's objection to Jennifer Hawley complaining in the press, rather than privately through " the adequate machinery for complaints" seems......
On, Showed Interesting Discrimination In Trusting The...
Sunday Mirror and News of the World (whom others might have considered prone to sensationalism) against the television critics of the rest of the press. Robin Milner-Gulland The......
Standards In Schools
Sir: It is five or six years since last 1 wrote, the interval coinciding with your last editorial concerning teacher supply. You are, I suggest, mistaken in laying the blame for......
Gps And The Nhs
Sir: Whilst agreeing with a good deal of John Linklater's bellyache about the NHS (Spectator, January 6), I am bound to take exception to his generalisations about "less well......
Sir: I Should Like To Answer The Indictment About The
safety of the NHS temple shown on the cover (January 6). I do so as a close observer, married to one of the priests of medicine .concerned since the foundation stone was laid,......
From Sir lain Moncreiffe of that Ilk Sir: M. S. Golding's letter about David Holbrook (January 20) tells us more about Mr Golding's own character than it does about Mr.......
Why War Films?
• Sir: I am, shall we say, a mature middle-aged relic of World War II; and the other day I was challenged . by a younger colleague as to why , there were so many World War II......
For And Against
Sir: Many congratulations to your contributors Auberon Waugh and Kenneth Hurren who, week after week, delight readers of more sober artistic judgement than the Booker Prize......
Writing Prize
Sir: You surpassed yourself with your decision to announce Jon Margolis as winner of the Schools Writing Competition. Although his name rings vague revolutionary bells, I......
Waugh Bash
Sir: As an admirer of don Andrea Giovene's The Dilemma of Love which your reviewer, Auberon Waugh, discusses with some dis taste in your issue of January 20, I would like to......
Sir: Thank You So Much For Putting Us In The
picture on the subject of Andy Warhol's trashiness (Notebook, January 20); such scraps of second-hand information are particularly valuable now that Mr McWhirter has shielded us......