GPs and the NHS
Sir: Whilst agreeing with a good deal of John Linklater's bellyache about the NHS (Spectator, January 6), I am bound to take exception to his generalisations about "less well trained doctors from overseas."
I am married to a doctor from overseas — Europe as it happens — who has a first-class degree from an ancient medical faculty, more general experience than our local GP, and an excellent command of three European languages, English included.
That she has problems of " recognition " is no fault of the NHS but, rather, the GMC with which august body John Rowan Wilson often has a bout within your pages.
Unless the G1VOC hastens to make "reciprocal arrangements" in favour of British doctors going into the Market, perhaps we shall see John Linklater's nastiness about foreign doctors mellow somewhat as British doctors become bogged down in the bureaucracy our Market " partners " may choose to inflict. Perhaps even his nastiness is not directed at European, American or Japanese doctors.
David Milton Aberdovey, Merionethshire