The Reform Bill passed its second readin g in the Lords
on Tues- day, after two nights of debate, without a division. Lord Grey did not withdraw his resolution, but Earl Russell opposing it, no divi- sion was demanded. It is understood, however, that at least two serious amendments will be introduced and have a fair chance of passing. Lord Halifax will, on Monday, propose a scheme for ex- tending redistribution, and another peer will bring forward the cumulative vote; the latter, it is almost certain, will be carried, the plan adopted being that known as Mr. _Morrison's, to allow no one to have more than two votes. This will give the minority the power of appointing the third member in the " unicorn" counties and boroughs and in London, and affect some ten or eleven seats. A number of nonsensical amendments have been introduced, one in particular, depriving drunkards of the franchise—as if Mr. Pitt would have been a bad elector—and another disqualifying all who cannot write legibly, say three-fourths of the House of Commons and five editors in six—but they will be laughed—or shall we, as we are talking of Peers, say smiled ?—out of the controversy, and the Bill will probably pass plus the new experiment in modes of election.