The Duke Of Ar G Yll Made A Lon G , And In Parts
a fine, but a somewhat undecided speech. He described the Bill as a sur- render of every principle held by Conservatives, declared that the suffra g e clause was copied......
After Lord Grey Came The Earl Of Carnarvon, Whose Speech
was, as re g ards Reform itself, far more moderate and less alarmist than Lord Cranborne's in the Lower House, but even more scornful towards the ter g iversation of the......
Lord Derby's Two Speeches Were Not E Q Ual To His...
There was neither thou g ht nor statesmanship in either of them. The first, which opened the debate, was mainly a statement of his un- willin g ness to be constantlyMinister of......
Tw( Fiercely Contested Elections Have Been Ended This...
in bo. the Liberals have triumphed. At Birmin g ham the Tories made eat effort to seat their nominee, Mr. Lloyd, a Conserva- tive-I very popular, very rich, and supported by all......
Lord Grey's Speech, Which Was Expec Ted To Be A G Reat
one, was exceedin g ly poor. He did not finish it, and the portion which reached the public was really only an ar g ument in favour of further consideration—after these weary......
News Of The Week.
n IIR g uests have all g one away, let us hope contented. The Viceroy departed on Saturday, the Bel g ians on Monday, the Sultan on Tuesday, and the streets are q uiet a g ain.......
The Reform Bill Passed Its Second Readin G In The Lords
on Tues- day, after two ni g hts of debate, without a division. Lord Grey did not withdraw his resolution, but Earl Russell opposin g it, no divi- sion was demanded. It is......