Tw( fiercely contested elections have been ended this week, and
in bo. the Liberals have triumphed. At Birmingham the Tories
made eat effort to seat their nominee, Mr. Lloyd, a Conserva- tive-I very popular, very rich, and supported by all the
"No. ,.ory " feeling in the borough. He was, however, defeated by Mr. Dixon, a reasonable Radical, by a majority of more than 1,600. Mr. Jackson, again, one of the best sort of the new men, the thoroughly educated son of a nouveau riche, carried Coventry against Mr. Bousfield Ferrand, who promised the people to get rid of Free Trade and restore protection to ribbons. It is to be remarked that the contest at Coventry was a genuine party fight, the Liberal candidate repeating amid enthusiastic cheers that the Liberals, and not the Tories, had carried the Liberal clauses of the Reform Bill.