Jamaica re infectei, and that the House of Lords have
severely tended that any half-way house would have been only temporary ; but he did not explain why more temporary than either a rate- snubbed both Viscount Melville and Lord Denman.
paying condition, or the half-way house adopted in the county and The Council of University College have decided very wisely,—. lodger franchise. The 10/. lodger franchise, he said, would probably we believe by as large a majority as eleven to three,—to ignore be sacredly observed, but the 6/. household franchise would vanish Professor Beesly's unfortunate speech about the Sheffield out- in a year. Lord Cairns echoed Mr. Disraeli in objecting much more rages at Exeter Hall. No doubt it was regretted by all the strenuously to the elite of the working class than to the elite Council, but it was very justly felt, first, that Professor Beefily, diluted by residuum. The residuum, he appeared to say, were the mischievous as was his language, had honestly, and for a very wine, and the elite the water. The residuum would vote with the long series of years, endeavoured to move the working men to upper classes and against the elite,—so he did not fear to be vigorous prosecution of the authors of these outrages ; and next, swamped by the residuum, only by the aim of the working class. that it would be a far greater evil to cripple the sense of intel- In short, Lord Cairns made an exceedingly clever speech, in lectual and moral liberty in such a class of men as teachers of which, " changing his side as a lawyer knows how," he argued his literature and science, than to dissociate the College from one poll- case, not " on behalf of the eyes "—they were his clients last session tical heretic of somewhat rash and violent speech. The Council —but on behalf of the residuum, whom, as Hamlet said of have decided well.
Polonius's corpse, he seemed to suppose we should soon " nose" on the Tory side of politics.