to the Bill itself, Lord Granville admitted his preference for
who took upon himself to declare in that island, apropos of our excluding " the residuum " from the borough franchise, but still Chief Justice's recent charge, that Chief Justice Cockburn was no supported that part of it and the London lodger franchise very lawyer, and owed his promotion to political causes, does not seem heartily. Ile urged a considerable extension of the redistribution to have improved his prospects by that impudent step, in spite scheme on conservative grounds with great force of argument, of the unblushing support given him in the House of Lords yester- and sat down, after one of the most effectually harassing speeches day week by Lord Denman and Lord Melville. Lord Denman which Lord Granville, happy as he is iu light-armed evolutions, begged to remind their Lordships that " the grand jury did not ever delivered. think much of the charge, for they threw out the bill ;" and no Lord Cairns on Tuesday night was exceedingly able and exceed-