News of the Week Russia and China S EVERAL important things
have already been done by the Government for strengthening the structure of peace. This was the aspect of their policy which we wrote about in advance with complete con- fidence, and we have not been disappointed. The most striking events of the week have contributed directly or indirectly to advancing the most signal of all causes. People are apt to speak slightingly of any progress that is not rapid enough to be spectacular, but if they will compare the present general deter- mination to keep the peace, and the variety of instruments which have been forged, and are still being forged, for making the determination effective, they will see how much has been done since the War. On Friday, July 19th, it . was announced in. Washington, by Mr. Stimson, the Secretary of State, that the American • and French Governments had called the attention of both China and Soviet -Russia to their pledges under the -Peace Pact. he message -_pointed out that though the American and French Governments were by no means fully informed of the facts, it was obvious that the dis- pute about the Chinese Eastern Railway was, of its very nature, a proper and easy subject for arbitration.