Country Life
EVERY unusual bout of weather produces quick reactions in animals and plants. The July drought has brought an abnormal crop of such changes. Let the birds come first. They have......
Tae: Black Rat.
A query in natural history is disturbing some of the specialists. It has been stated lately that the old English black rat, which was ousted by the coarser and more destruc-......
First Harvests.
Harvest has actually and in fact begun. On light land crops ripened " almost in a night," as a farmer said. He did not remember so , surprising an acceleration. All the crops,......
A Goldfish Query.
A query as odd as Lewis Carroll's "Do cats eat bats ? " reaches me. It concerns the reaction of goldfish to the presence of tadpoles ! Now goldfish, which we know from the poets......
Wool Or Wheat ?
W001 is not a substitute for wheat and we are never likely to return to the days when English wool was, the most famous in Europe. But the fleeces of our sheep are peculiarly......
As For Gardeners, Were Birds Ever Quite So Severe On
fruit ? One garden I know with a stream through it has been almost immune in most years. The fruit is uncovered and there is plenty both for birds and owner. He hardly notices......
Bums In Drought.
A really droughty drought is almost as hard for birds as a frost, indeed for many it is worse. The reason lies in the date. Partridges become in winter natural grazers. They......