As for gardeners, were birds ever quite so severe on
fruit ? One garden I know with a stream through it has been almost immune in most years. The fruit is uncovered and there is plenty both for birds and owner. He hardly notices the losses. This year little that is uncovered has a chance.
Currants and raspberries vanish at the first suggestion of pinkness. The jays arrive from neighbouring fields and woods about sunrise. In some gardens gooseberries are attacked ; and, touching this fruit, even dogs have taken to fruit eating, in spite of their canine teeth. Insects have been curiously few. There is little greenfly, gnats and midges are less than their accustomed plague, and where the ground is light scarcely a slug or snail is to be seen. On the other hand, spiders are more apparent than is their wont. For myself, I do not remember to have seen so much gossamer —the emblem of the migrating spider—so early in the year. The proper date is October.