Britons, now resident in the United States, and Americans who
served side by side with them in the British forces during the Great War, have formed an organization to promote Anglo-American friendship and world peace. The movement originates with the British War Veterans of America, an organization of which the Prince of Wales is patron, and, among others, General John J. Pershing, and Sir Arthur W. G. Currie, CoMmander-in-Chief of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces in the War, are vice-presidents. Starting in Philadelphia, the new movement has already secured influential support from representatives of Congress, the United States judiciary, the churches, the Services and business. It is estimated that there are in the United States some 150,009 men who served under the British colours during the War. The new organization seems to be admirably equipped to promote its excellent purpose. The movement is doubly welcome because, since the War, we have heard so much here about the alleged bellicosity of ex-Service men. No rejoinder could be more effective than the practical one which the new organization now provides.
New York, Wednesday, July 24th. IVY LEE.