British Naval Reduction In the House of Commons, on Wednesday,
the Prime Minister announced the cuts which the Government have decided upon in naval building. We are entirely of their view that this reduction is justified before there has been an actual agreement with America. The reduction will help the agreement. Of course, there was the usual criticism that it was " unsafe," that it was a " risk," and soon. Such arguments end in nothing being done, and the Government have acted well in breaking with the ancient, sterile tradition. Work will be suspended on two cruisers and the contracts will be cancelled for a submarine depot ship and two submarines. Other work will be retarded, and the question of the 1930 programme will be left over for the present. Mr. MacDonald added that discussions with the United States were progressing favourably, that technical points would not be allowed to obstruct final decisions—thank goodness !—and that he himself would probably visit America in October.
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