Unfortunately the Deputies were deaf to M. Briand's admonition that
it is impossible to say " Yes " and " No " at the same time. Some of them forced the passage Qf a resolution which, in effect, does make a serious reserva- tion. It opens the way to disavow French obliga- tions in the event of default by Germany. It is the successful outcome of the manoeuvres of the Marin group. Apparently it may be held that should Germany default on the conditional portion of the Young annuity, Great Britain would not be in a position to claim pay- ment from France out of the unconditional part. In any case, it makes possible fearful confusion, and recri- mination of the worst type. All the latest information suggests that the French Government are doing their best to prevent the Conference on the Young plan from meeting, and so to defer indefinitely the evacuation of the Rhineland. That Conference should start on August • 6th, and the Powers are still disputing about the meeting place.