General Knowledge Questions
OUR weekly.prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to John Gibbons, 46 Rosebery Gardens, Crouch End, N. 8, for the following :.
Questions on "Wars and Rumours of Wars "
• 1. Which General of the South African War afterwards resur- rected himself under the nom-de-guerre of liindenbiugh ? 2. Who wrote the "Angels of Mons" ? 3. Which famous English Admiral were we reluctantly COM. 'milled to shoot in the Tower of London ? 4. What notable airman having been drowned came to life again on purpose to fight against us?
5. What was the name of the enemy gun famous in the South African War ?
6. What in one word was the burning question of the Boer War referred to daily by the papers ?
7. - What was the precise Boer War equivalent of the Great War " poilu " 8. What town in Bechuanaland added a new word to the English language ? 9. What was the Great War equivalent of the Boer War " Stellenbosched " ?
10. Which was considered the greatest feat of the London Scottish ?
11. What was the name of the enemy flag in the Boer War ? 12. Which is the correct way of delivering fuel to a Kadaver Factory ? 13. What was the real object of many English tennis courts ?
Answers will be found on page 142.