TIN Paorrrs.
In view of the heavy fall in the price of Tin, it is scarcely surprising that the year's results of the Tavoy Tin Dredging Corporation, Limited, should have shown a fall in the gross working profit of £51,085, the average price of Tin during the year having been £62 per ton lower than the average for the previous year. In spite, however, of this • heavy fall, the company was able to pay a total dividend for the year of 20 per cent., free of tax, which is equal to a gross return of 25 per cent. This result certainly justified the chairman, Sir William D. Henry, in describing, at the annual meeting, the results for the year as a creditable performance, in view of all the circumstances, and he pointed out that' during the five years of the Corporation's existence they had paid out in dividends 181 per cent, free of tax, or 165 per cent. gioss.
A. W. K.